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Screen Refresh

Hi, and welcome to the new SCROLL. For 2013 I thought it’d be nice to refresh the site along with the magazine, and generally give people something nicer to look at. Though I’m sure I’ll still be tweaking the design for a few days after this post, I nevertheless think this new setup lends a bit more “permanence” compared to the old blog. In general, I’ve rethought what I want to do with SCROLL (which you can read on the About page), and I hope the next year of the magazine will reflect that.

But today, right now, it’s all about this new stuff:

  • Issue 09. Of course! I’m probably prouder of this one than any other so far, as it’s exactly the kind of thing I should’ve been doing content- and design-wise. ​
  • Year 1 price drop (PDF). Issues 01-04 are now permanently half-off, at $2.50 per PDF issue. If you’re a new digital buyer, consider picking one up along with issue 09.
  • A new logo. Sort of? It’s basically the old one, just brought in a little tighter. But I do think that ends up making it stand out better.
  • Issues first. The original site’s blog form wasn’t conducive to selling the magazine, which is supposed to be the real draw. Now there’s a separate Issues page, and it’s first on the list when you visit the home page. I’m not very good at blogging “for me,” so the old site wasn’t conducive to me putting extra content on it, either. Will that change?! Maybe not, but now I can look at my own site and not feel pressured.
  • A Facebook page. It may be a little too late, but there is one now! Please Like it at your earliest convenience.​
  • Something else.​ We’ll see.